Ashi | Foot, Leg, to walk |
Ashi Waza | Leg Techniques |
Ayumi Ashi | Ordinary pattern of walking. |
Barai | Sweep |
Daki | To Embrace |
De | Advanced, Move Forward |
Debana | Break balance as opponent initiates a motion |
Dori | To Take |
Fusegi | Escapes, Defence |
Fusegi Waza | Defence Techniques |
Gaeshi | Counter Attack |
Gaeshi Waza | Counter Attack Techniques |
Gake | Hook |
Gari | Reaping |
Geiko | Practice |
Go no Sen | Reactive - attacking in response to an attack |
Goshi | Hip |
Gyaku | Reverse, Opposite |
Hadaka | Naked |
Hando no Kuzushi | Unbalancing by reaction |
Hara | Stomach, Centre, Belly |
Harai | Stomach, Sweeping |
Hasami | To Grip |
Henka | Change |
Hidari | Left |
Hiji | Elbow |
Hiki | To Pull |
Hikikomi | Backwards Fall |
Hikite | Pulling Hand - Usually on sleeve grip |
Hishigi | Taking, To Bend |
Hiza | Knee |
Hiza-uke | Parry with a knee |
Jigo | Defensive |
Jigotai | Defensive Posture |
Juji | Cross |
Kaeshi | Counter Attack |
Kaeshi Kata | Forms of Counters |
Kaeshi Waza | Counter techniques |
Kagato | Heel |
Kake | Completion or execution of technique |
Kan-geiko | Practice |
Kansetsu | Joint |
Kansetsu Waza | Joint Locking Techniques |
Kanuki | Transverse |
Kao | Face |
Kenka Yotsu | Grip Fighting, opposite grips (one right, one left) |
Kensui | Get hold of |
Kesa | Scarf |
Kime no Kata | Classical forms of attack or defence |
Kiyoshi | Method of kneeling on one knee during Kata |
Kiyotsuke | Attention |
Komi | Drawing, Pull, Pulling, Against |
Koshi Waza | Hip Techniques |
Kubi | Neck |
Kumi | To Grip |
Kumikata | Gripping Methods |
Kuzure | Modified Hold, Variation |
Kuzushi | Unbalancing the opponent, Destroy |
Mae | Forward, Front |
Mae Sabaki | Front movement control |
Manaka | Centre |
Masutemi Waza | Front Sacrifice throws |
Mata | Thigh |
Migi | Right |
Migi-jigotai | Right defence position |
Migi-shizentai | Right attack Position |
Mochi | Arm Grip |
Mokuso | Prematch Preparation |
Nage | Throw |
Nage no Kata | Forms of throwing |
Nagekomi | Repetitive throwing practice |
Nage Waza | Throwing Techniques |
Nami | Normal, Regular |
Naname | Crooked |
Nige Waza | Escape Techniques |
O | Major or Big |
Okui | Both |
Okuri | Sliding |
Omote | Front |
Osoi | Slow |
Osu | To Push |
Oten | Turn on one side |
Otoshi | Drop |
Randori no Kata | Forms of free practice techniques |
Randori Waza | Techniques for free practice |
Renraku Waza | Combination techniques |
Renshu | Practice Fight |
Renzoku Waza | Continuation techniques |
Ritsurei | Standing Bow |
Ryo | Both |
Ryo-te | Double Hand |
Sabaki | Move Away |
Sanaka | Back |
Sasae | Propping |
Se | Back |
Shiho | Four Quarters |
Shime Waza | Choking techniques |
Shintai | Moving forwards. sideways & backwards |
Shisei | Posture |
Shitai | Position |
Shizentai | Natural posture |
Sode | Sleeve |
Sode-dori | Grip by the arm |
Sotai Renshu | Practice with a partner |
Soto | Outer |
Sukui | Scooping |
Sumi | Corner |
Sute Geiko | Randori practice against a higher level Judoka |
Sutemi Waza | Sacrificial techniques |
Tachi Waza | Standing techniques |
Tai Sabaki | Body control, turning |
Tatchi | Upright |
Tate | Lengthwise |
Te | Hand |
Tekubi | Wrist |
Te Waza | Hand Techniques |
Tokui Waza | Favourite or best technique |
Tsugi Ashi | Walking by bringing one foot up to another |
Tsuki | To Push |
Tsukikomi | Thrusting |
Tsukuri | Entry into a technique, positioning |
Tsuri | Lift |
Tsurite | Lifting Hand |
Tsuyoi | Strong |
Uki | Floating |
Ura | Rear |
Ushiro Sabaki | Backward movement control |
Ushiro Ukemi | Backward Breakfall |
Utsuri | Changing |
Wa | Circle, Peace |
Wakare | Separation |
Waki | Armpit |
Waza | Technique |
Yakusoku Geiko | Pre-arranged Free Practice |
Zanshin | Awareness |
Zempo | Move Forward |
Dartford Judo Club
Cotton Lane
01322 222 071
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