Dartford Judo Club - Mon Grade Syllabus


Ashi Foot, Leg, to walk
Ashi Waza Leg Techniques
Ayumi Ashi Ordinary pattern of walking.
Barai Sweep
Daki To Embrace
De Advanced, Move Forward
Debana Break balance as opponent initiates a motion 
Dori To Take
Fusegi Escapes, Defence
Fusegi Waza Defence Techniques
Gaeshi Counter Attack
Gaeshi Waza Counter Attack Techniques
Gake Hook
Gari Reaping
Geiko Practice
Go no Sen Reactive - attacking in response to an attack
Goshi Hip
Gyaku Reverse, Opposite
Hadaka Naked
Hando no Kuzushi Unbalancing by reaction
Hara Stomach, Centre, Belly
Harai Stomach, Sweeping
Hasami To Grip
Henka Change
Hidari Left
Hiji Elbow
Hiki To Pull
Hikikomi Backwards Fall
Hikite Pulling Hand - Usually on sleeve grip
Hishigi Taking, To Bend
Hiza Knee
Hiza-uke Parry with a knee
Jigo Defensive
Jigotai Defensive Posture
Juji Cross
Kaeshi Counter Attack
Kaeshi Kata Forms of Counters 
Kaeshi Waza Counter techniques
Kagato Heel
Kake Completion or execution of technique
Kan-geiko Practice
Kansetsu Joint
Kansetsu Waza Joint Locking Techniques
Kanuki Transverse
Kao Face
Kenka Yotsu Grip Fighting, opposite grips (one right, one left)
Kensui Get hold of
Kesa Scarf
Kime no Kata  Classical forms of attack or defence 
Kiyoshi Method of kneeling on one knee during Kata
Kiyotsuke  Attention
Komi Drawing, Pull, Pulling, Against
Koshi Waza Hip Techniques 
Kubi  Neck
Kumi To Grip
Kumikata  Gripping Methods 
Kuzure  Modified Hold, Variation
Kuzushi  Unbalancing the opponent, Destroy
Mae Forward, Front
Mae Sabaki Front movement control 
Manaka Centre
Masutemi Waza Front Sacrifice throws
Mata Thigh
Migi Right
Migi-jigotai Right defence position
Migi-shizentai Right attack Position
Mochi Arm Grip
Mokuso Prematch Preparation
Nage  Throw 
Nage no Kata  Forms of throwing 
Nagekomi  Repetitive throwing practice 
Nage Waza Throwing Techniques
Nami Normal, Regular
Naname Crooked
Nige Waza Escape Techniques 
O Major or Big
Okui Both
Okuri Sliding
Omote Front
Osoi Slow
Osu To Push
Oten Turn on one side
Otoshi Drop
Randori no Kata  Forms of free practice techniques 
Randori Waza  Techniques for free practice 
Renraku Waza  Combination techniques 
Renshu Practice Fight
Renzoku Waza Continuation techniques
Ritsurei Standing Bow
Ryo Both
Ryo-te Double Hand
Sabaki Move Away
Sanaka Back
Sasae Propping
Se Back
Shiho Four Quarters
Shime Waza  Choking techniques 
Shintai  Moving forwards. sideways & backwards 
Shisei Posture
Shitai Position
Shizentai  Natural posture 
Sode Sleeve
Sode-dori Grip by the arm
Sotai Renshu Practice with a partner
Soto Outer
Sukui Scooping
Sumi Corner
Sute Geiko  Randori practice against a higher level Judoka 
Sutemi Waza  Sacrificial techniques 
Tachi Waza Standing techniques 
Tai Sabaki  Body control, turning 
Tatchi Upright
Tate Lengthwise
Te Hand
Tekubi Wrist
Te Waza Hand Techniques
Tokui Waza  Favourite or best technique
Tsugi Ashi  Walking by bringing one foot up to another 
Tsuki To Push
Tsukikomi Thrusting
Tsukuri Entry into a technique, positioning 
Tsuri  Lift 
Tsurite  Lifting Hand 
Tsuyoi Strong
Uki Floating
Ura Rear
Ushiro Sabaki Backward movement control
Ushiro Ukemi Backward Breakfall
Utsuri Changing
Wa Circle, Peace
Wakare Separation
Waki Armpit
Waza Technique
Yakusoku Geiko Pre-arranged Free Practice
Zanshin Awareness
Zempo Move Forward

Dartford Judo Club
Cotton Lane


01322 222 071


Congratulations to all DJC juniors that fought at the Bishido Competition over the weekend

Daniel - 1st place in group
Louie - 3rd place in group
Ethan - 4th place in group, also awarded Spirit of Judo
Phoebe - Gold
Jake - Bronze
Alex F - Gold, also awarded Spirit of Judo
Holly - Silver
Alex BH - Bronze, also awarded Spirit of Judo
Ella - Bronze
Lily - Silver, also awarded Spirit of Judo

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